A man from colorado is suing the divers who saved him from a submerged car. Roy Ortiz filed an intent to sue for $500,000 dollars due to the fact that the road he flew off of should've been closed back in september due to its washed-out road. Roy was submerged for two hours underwater trapped in his car surviving off a tiny air bubble that was located in the back seat area. He has raced up $40,000 in medical bills and the decision of whether or not the law suit will follow through depends on what doctors say. Now if we were to travel to Pennsylvania we have two teenage girls the ages of 13 and 14. They are suing their school for suspending them from class on breast cancer awareness day for wearing the ever popular "I Heart Boobies" bracelets to rise awareness. The principle asked the girls to remove them since they are vulgar and cause disruption in a learning environment. So on one hand you have a man with an intent to sue the very people who saved his life for basically neglecting to prevent the accident that happened, and then you have two girls suing a school board for being punished because they wanted to wear a bracket that said "boobies" on it. These stories share similarities in the sense that we have individuals who believe they could've avoided either being submerged in a car or suspended from school if people in charge where more aware of whats important. In contrast, we have an individual who could've been driving recklessly and is looking to get some money out of the rescue team to avoid paying his medical bill. we also have a couple of teenage girls who could've just been wearing the bracelets to provoke those at their school. By knowing their rights, these people have pushed the boundaries of what is considered appropriate to sue someone over. on one hand you have a man putting its state in the spot light for negligence and in the other you have two girls putting their school board on the spot for being too conservative. overall its pretty astonishing what we can take people to court over, it seems as though you can wiggle you way into any situation that can be turned into you favor and come out of it a richer and more important person.